I recently did a few major water changes and got my fourth spawn in the last 7 months...well along with the new spawns I saw a few disputes taking place but nothing too bad! Just a quick body bumping and they would go their separate ways. I came home from work today and noticed this females tail is gone!!! Should i leave her in the tank? I see just a tad redness but nothing that looks like a open swore. It looks like just the tail is gone but not the meat of it. You can still see the top and the bottom bones of the tail and thats about it. I believe its a female and its a F1 about 2.75-3"...Now should I take her out and medicate her? And if so with what?
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! A image is in my gallery section. http://www.zebrapleco.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=66
(PS- How do we post pics in our gallery to the forum)
When I had this happen to the male I put him in quarantine, dosed with melafix, did daily 40% water changes and treated with kanacyn. The problem with the male was that he'd had so much damage he had trouble maintaining his osmotic balance for 4 or 5 days and swelled some. He did get in under control though. Hopefully you'll have as much luck with your fish!
The img tags won't work for pictures in the gallery because they end in a number, not .jpg or other recognizable formats. Tim built a work around it with a site img tag for fishaholics. I'll have to ask him if that was a "hack" that we can add in here maybe.