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Hmmm...what else can I say!
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Hello everyone

Post by Balraj_bangar »


Joined this site as much research on google! Currently have a zebra pleco L046 and is the reason i joined! Hoping you all will assist and bug me!

Im in Nuneaton, uk - would love more to add to my tank i. The next few months. I shall see how i get along with this 6cm zebra first. Going to create tank to suit its needs. Its not eating or moving from behind the filter. Any advise welcome. Thanks :o
First day i got it! Unsure of sex!
First day i got it! Unsure of sex!
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Re: Hello everyone

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Hi- welcome to the site.

It would help to know more about your fish and about the tank parameters and layout etc.
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Re: Hello everyone

Post by har_eh »

Welcome :)
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Joined: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:20 pm

Re: Hello everyone

Post by Balraj_bangar »

I keep the tank at 28 degrees, ph is 6.8. It has a twin air pump and live plants. It does have gravel but i will be changing to sand soon once weathers better i will reod the tank. Currently has slates, rocks and coconuts for fish to hide in. Also cherry shrimps as well as endlers.

The tanks a juwel rio 125 which is a 32 inch wide tank.

Add water every other day as its a half open tank. I used boiled water which is cooled.

I have ordered some cave pipes but i will be hiding these as i think they do not look natural :roll:
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