I purchased a pair of zebra sized 2.7" and put in to a tank well cycled. Now it has been 2 weeks and they havent eat anything.
I tried Hikari carni pellets and frozen blood worm and kept even over night close to the caves.
Tank contains enough clay caves and driftwood. I checked water and Ammonia, Nitrite and 20ppm Nitrate.
Temperature is 30-31 celcius.
Wonder how long they can fasting before eating anything. Currently no sunken belly or eyes.
Newly purchased zebra not eating
Re: Newly purchased zebra not eating
Do you have any other fish in the tank and could you post a picture of the setup?
It might help to add a few cory's, seeing them eat might stimulate the zeb's to start eating too.
Would also consider darkening the tank as much as you can, this will make them more at ease and reduce stress.
Wouldn't worry about them as long as you don't see sunken bellies.
Good luck!
It might help to add a few cory's, seeing them eat might stimulate the zeb's to start eating too.
Would also consider darkening the tank as much as you can, this will make them more at ease and reduce stress.
Wouldn't worry about them as long as you don't see sunken bellies.
Good luck!
Re: Newly purchased zebra not eating
Currently no other fish. Cant add corys coz bare bottom tank.
But bottome and side already pasted with black oyama paper.
Tank light is seldom used. Filtration by eheim filter.
Heard Zebra can even fast for a month. Is it true?
But bottome and side already pasted with black oyama paper.
Tank light is seldom used. Filtration by eheim filter.
Heard Zebra can even fast for a month. Is it true?
Re: Newly purchased zebra not eating
If they have no sunken bellys after 2 weeks, you can be pretty sure they have eaten 'something'.
Greetz, Zeno
Greetz, Zeno
Re: Newly purchased zebra not eating
Thanks Zeno. Today taken out to see again. Their bellies are not sunken but flat. imo nothing to eat inside tank except driftwood or somethimg on it.Zeno wrote:If they have no sunken bellys after 2 weeks, you can be pretty sure they have eaten 'something'.
Greetz, Zeno
Attached frozen bloodworms to a weight and kept near their caves. then covered tank to make it complete dark. 1 hr later removed it. but cant see eaten or not.
Seller told me he fed Hikari carni pellets. but i gave it for initial first week. no bite marks on pellets.
what is the best thing to influence them to eat?
Re: Newly purchased zebra not eating
Well, finally they start feeding on Repashy meat pie. Looks like they cant resist it.