Continual Breeding?

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Continual Breeding?

Post by mistern2005 »

Last week, my breeding male, Lloyd, spawned for the 9th time in 8 months. One of the months he spawned with two different females. I am curious how long a small colony of zebras (4M/3F) will breed for? I thought mine would breed for 6 months or so then take a break for 3-4 months, then repeat the cycle. What are other folks experience when it comes to continually breeding zebras?

Something else that might be relevant - I take away the babies after about 2-3 weeks to raise in a grow out tank. Maybe the fact the babies aren't around encourages additional spawning? (i.e., is Lloyd thinking "gosh my kids keep disappearing, I guess I'll try to make more so I know my genes are passed along!")
L046 Breeders - 2M/3F / Lots of other L046 subadults and juveniles.
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Re: Continual Breeding?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

When my colony was going strong I was getting 2 spawns a month alternating between the largest male and the alpha male. They were going at monthly intervals spaced 15 days or so apart. The alpha went for about 9 months and 10 spawns and the the big one went for about 7.5 months and 8 spawns. The off time was about 5 months and they resumed. A few other males spawned occasionally and the peak of it all was a triple when I had almost fee swimmers, wigglers and eggs all at the same time in different caves.

The down side is over the years I lost a few fish and my last spawn was last November. My recollection is that their yearly onn and off cycle was not a 12 month total period but more like 13.5 or so.

But that was just my experience, your actual mileage may vary :roll:
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