
Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Post by harjc »

I have a rio 125 juwel tank(125 liter) with the built-in juwel filter and an external eheim 2224 pump. It's populated with 8 zeb's and 2 ancistrus.

To bring in extra oxygen I've put a diffusor on my eheim. Now my tank is filled with little bubles, even if I put the diffusor on the minimum. Now I wanted to ask if the diffusor is really necessary on my tank since I don't like the bubbles.

A normal air pump ain't no option for my tank because of the sound it makes (bedroom). I used to only use the diffusor without adding the little tube that sucks air, but I don't know if that gives enough air.

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Post by John »

Put a clip on the airline so the diffusor can take less air :wink:
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Post by harjc »

cheers for that, John can't believe I couldn't think of that myself *feels stupid* :|
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

Dont know if this helps- but my 30 gal breeder tank is always chocked full of zebras. The only source of gas exchange is from an AquaClear 150 gph power filter which aggitates the surface. the tanks has a HOT magnum and a sponged powerhead but neaither add any O as they are below the surface returns.

This tank has been up and running this way for 3 years now.
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Post by harjc »

Is the AquaClear 150 gph quiet, because it looks quite noisy after googleing it.
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

I am running something in the neighborhood of 23 AquaClear power filters from their 100gph to the 300 gph- they are all pretty quiet. Sometimes a lid may rattle, but this is normally because it isnt properly seated. If rejiggering it doesn't help, then the problem is solved by placing a small stone or similar wieght on top.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
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