Not happy
Not happy
My zebs have been happily bumping along for years in there tank I have never seen much aggression only slight tail end wagging you know the one 'get out of my space' this morning I noticed one of my breeding females with the top ray of her tail fin rasped off and a little biting on her flank
they have recently been breeding and I can only assume this is from a sub male being over dominant as my alpha is in a breeding trap with eggs at the mo, I don't know the offending male and I know this happens but it has taken me by suprise after all these years.

L number plecos and pleco products worldwide delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk
It's way better than the way that ends at my house though. I sure hope that doesn't happen to you! There are a couple members that have two spawns at one time in their tanks, so it can definitely depend on the individual fish. Sorry to hear you're having such scary issues though

hope your zeb is ok and she will be fine
i lost 1 of my females that way the sub male beated her in a failed spawning attempt,well thats what i think
i lost 1 of my females that way the sub male beated her in a failed spawning attempt,well thats what i think
2x wild zebs
4x mature zebs
6x juvi zebs
3x zeb fry 2days old 11/09/08
4x mature zebs
6x juvi zebs
3x zeb fry 2days old 11/09/08
it may grow back i don't know if you remember about 4 months ago one of my males got beaten up quite badly and ended up losing half the ray off both pectoral thins. and on one side it grew back and the other it didn't. although it does look slightly deformed on the side it grew back. hopefully he will calm down a bit for you.
Thanks she is still here not looking any worse acting quite normal I have water changed and added a lot more almond leaves than normal I will continue to do more extra water changes and leaves until she sarts to heal no signs of infection or redness which can only be good.
L number plecos and pleco products worldwide delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk
She is still ok tail prong sticking out of a cave as normal well as normal as it will be with half a tail, I have refrained from using any meds as my alpha is in a trap in the tank with wrigglers so I have decided to go with the water changes and almond leaves unless she looks any worse at any point, I did toy with the idea of moving her to another tank but I thought the added stress would finish her off I am probably more stressed than the fish about this LOL
L number plecos and pleco products worldwide delivery www.rareaquatics.co.uk