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Foods to feed

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:47 pm
by muffywrx
I know there are endless topics on what to feed, but I was curious if anyone uses these:

I have the algae discs for my common plecos, but if I am able to get my zebra plecos, I was curious if the regular sinking wafers would be okay. They contain spirulina, krill, and silkworm. As a staple. With a variety of things on the side.


Re: Foods to feed

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:40 am
by TwoTankAmin
I feed those on an occasional basis for variety. I prefer a a higher protein level. I use a lot of earthworm sticks/flakes as well as some meaty type bits. But I also do a bunch of different frozen foods as well. I also feed the Hikari sinking wafers to other plecos, including bristlenose and to corys.

I try to feed all my fish as varied a diet as I can. And I have yet to find an appropriate food my fish will not eat with great gusto. They are all pigs with scales :lol: