Hi everyone! Questions!

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Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

Hi all! I am in love with the zebra pleco and hopefully will be getting some. I have a question on what tank I should house them in when I get them (I would like to have 2).

First, would a pair do okay in a 60 gallon with a jack dempsey? The JD is currently very small and they would most likely grow up together as the JD will continue to grow slowly. I just don't want them to be in danger when he/she becomes full size.

If not, I have a 75 gallon that I could put them in, but am unsure what tankmates would go with them.

OR, I could put them together by themselves in a 25 gallon tank. I know they don't get too big, so I was wondering if this was a viable option if the others didn't workout.

Anyway, nice to meet you all in advance and hope to learn lots about the L046 :)
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by Fern »

I keep 5 in a 30g tank by themselves. Personally I wouldn't ever keep them with other fish, they are a little too expensive to risk!
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by vanillarum »

First of all, welcome to the site. A 25 would be fine for a pair of zebras. I keep 5 in a 20 long with no problems and no other fish. Too big of a tank and they might have trouble finding food as they usually will not scavenge far for food. They also do not compete well for food, so any other fish you keep in the tank you will need to take this into consideration. I am not sure about the JD, but tend to agree with the PP. I have kept smaller, less aggressive fish with my zebras: sterbai corys (could possibly eat zebra
eggs), pygmy corys, neons, ottos, etc. I would be very nervous about keeping my zebras with a JD. I do know people who keep zebras in a community tank, but also remember that zebras like higher (84° or higher) temps. Good luck.
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

okay :D
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

Okay ... Looks like I may be getting (hopefully) 5-6 zebras within the next 2 weeks.

Could I get some help setting up my 25 gal properly? It is a bit taller style tank. They will probably be young ... so I know they won't breed for a couple years but more time to learn before I try such an endeavor. But I would like advice on filtration, aeration, and heater. Currently it has a fluval M series 100W heater and am wondering If I should add another or just upgrade and put this in the 10g fry tank (fry tank = separate once old enough to be separated). It also has a penguin 150 biowheel filter. Should I add another filter or upgrade and put this on the 10 gallon fry tank? And as far as aeration, what is recommended?

I plan on getting them 3-4 "L046" slate type caves that I have found on ebay. Will do a sand based bottom ... Am thinking of using pool filter sand as it is fine and easy to clean. I like the uniform grain look, but want to make sure this sand is okay.

I will most likely have 2 driftwood/plant chunks in the tank. I know they *sometimes* like driftwood, but either way it gives them some natural looking habitat.

I have a "breeder net" type of thing for fry if need be, but I know that it is probably better without.

I have a spare 10 gal tank that I can separate the fry out in. What is the best way to separate fry out? Net or a small container?

And lastly. Food. I know they are omnivorous and like a variety of foods, and I looked up some lists, but would like to know what your zebras like to eat the most.

Thanks in advance!!! I really appreciate the help :) I LOVE these plecos. They are amazing. I can't wait to get them.
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

Oh... also I might be able to get a 40 breeder from a friend ... They will be fine in the 25 for a while growing up but is it recommended I get a 40 instead when they start to breed?
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by TwoTankAmin »

You don't indicate what size fish you will be getting? The odds are good that a 20L would be ideal but if they are coming in smaller then I would consider a 10 or 15. As to how to layout a tank for them, again it depends on their size/age.
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

The tank I have is 25US gal. I don't know how old they will be. They are being ordered.
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

I am a bit concerned about the power filter I have though in the 25 gal. I was thinking about getting a smaller canister filter ... but can I cover the intake with a sponge??? To make it fry safe?
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by Fern »

Cracks and crevices are where zebras like to be. Pool filters sand is good that is what I use. Lots of filtration and aeration.

Once you get them just watch them and they will show you what decor they like the same as every other fish does :wink:

Yes you can cover the intake with a sponge
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by muffywrx »

Yay :) Okay, thank you :) I really appreciate the help. I can't wait.
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Re: Hi everyone! Questions!

Post by TwoTankAmin »

When I got my breeding colony in 06, I had two wild caught male zebras already and could not mix them in with the colony. I had to park them for a few years in a 25 in which I normally keep a pair of discus.




Filtration is an air powered sponge and an AquaClear 30/150 powerfilter. As you can see its a pretty spare tank. These fish grew fine in there and now are the two senior males and wild blood in with 15 of my F1s. Hope this helps.
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