any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Hi, anybody have a pic of what a pregnant zebra looks like? Just curious, tried looking online to find a pic but any of the sites that i found that had a pic were expired or removed.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Wow it must be quite the rare and tough thing to catch.
Just gonna have to keep watching my guys and hope I can catch it myself one day"hopefully"!!!!
I guess it would not very easy as I have problems just taking pics of my zebs right now.
Wow it must be quite the rare and tough thing to catch.
Just gonna have to keep watching my guys and hope I can catch it myself one day"hopefully"!!!!
I guess it would not very easy as I have problems just taking pics of my zebs right now.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
to be honest mate the reason you probably havent got a reply with a photo is because when you have a nice gravid female zeb getting ready to spawn the last thing you want to do is to start stressing them out to get photos as you just said its hard enough to get photos
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Hi guys, thank you for the input and the picture.
I can totally understand the part of not wanting to stress the zebs out. I just wanted to have a bit more of a look see as to what i may or may not have coming so i could hopefully prepare.
I know its rare just to have them breed and hard to get pics of these guys(tried for hours and gave up!!!)
Appreciate the help, and this gives me a little more knowledge with my zebs.
I can totally understand the part of not wanting to stress the zebs out. I just wanted to have a bit more of a look see as to what i may or may not have coming so i could hopefully prepare.
I know its rare just to have them breed and hard to get pics of these guys(tried for hours and gave up!!!)
Appreciate the help, and this gives me a little more knowledge with my zebs.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?

Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
I also have a question. How long does the tube show before they enter they males cave?
My big girl is very gravid and her tube has been out for the past few days.
My big girl is very gravid and her tube has been out for the past few days.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Hi Fern
Did your female breed yet? Just curious as i had a fish that sounded like yours.
Did your female breed yet? Just curious as i had a fish that sounded like yours.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
No not yet, she has taken cover by the males cave recently though.
My male is getting quite used to the flashlight getting shined in his cave
I check in there for eggs every so often.... nothing yet.
I did just get an RO unit so once I get that set up and running I am going to time a small water change with RO water during a storm, hopefully that triggers them, I know the big male and female are breeding size/age. The 3 smaller ones have a bit to go till they will be breeding though.
My male is getting quite used to the flashlight getting shined in his cave

I did just get an RO unit so once I get that set up and running I am going to time a small water change with RO water during a storm, hopefully that triggers them, I know the big male and female are breeding size/age. The 3 smaller ones have a bit to go till they will be breeding though.
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Thats funny i just put in a RO unit also, but i was worried about changing water parameters now if a female is by chance pregnant. My water here is a ph of 7.6 and i was a little worried doing this might be a little risky at this stage. What kind of ph do you have?
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Mine is about the same. They are in a 30g tank so I am thinking of doing 5-10 gallons of RO water a tad cooler than the tank water and during a thunder storm.
I have tried all sorts of trick with these guys! I have even used a watering can to put in new water after a water change so its more like rain
Been working with them for 2 years now..... They are even more stubborn than discus when it comes to breeding!
I have tried all sorts of trick with these guys! I have even used a watering can to put in new water after a water change so its more like rain

Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Wow thats a long time. I have only had my guys for over a month, guess i better get used to waiting. Out here we are just getting out of our freeze with all our snow melting and we will not have any rain storms for another month or two so i won't be able to rely on a pressure change so i'll have to try the RO water myself.
Good luck with your zebs
Good luck with your zebs
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Some folks get lucky, hopefully yours wont take so long!
Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Just did a 5g water change on their tank with pure RO water, its a 30g tank. There is a storm front rolling in and I have the windows open to let in the barometric pressure change... I hope this works!
Tomorrow I will do it again, its supposed to be storming all week
Tomorrow I will do it again, its supposed to be storming all week

Re: any pics of what a pregnant female zebra looks like?
Hi Fern
Good luck! I was going to try RO but my system does not have enough capacity for what i need so guess i'll just be waiting for spring storms now.
If you get some babies you should post some pics
Good luck! I was going to try RO but my system does not have enough capacity for what i need so guess i'll just be waiting for spring storms now.
If you get some babies you should post some pics