I forget how I got directed here...I think I was searching general L46 info on Google and came across a Yahoo! Answers question where someone referenced this site. Seeing as how I've recently developed this infatuation with the L46, I figured a site whose name was exactly that species HAD to be a good place to start!
Unfortunately at the moment, my monetary situation only allows me to maintain my 75g bowfront aquarium which consists of general community fish, as well as a 8" Vampire Pleco, a 7" Common Pleco, a 4" African Featherfin Syno, and a 3" Syno which is half big spotted half small spotted (don't know the species name). I absolutely love catfish.
That being said, in the near future my plan is to upgrade to a much larger tank and use my 75g specifically for general community fish and raising zebra plecos. I'm hoping that through this site I can accomplish 2 things:
1) Learn everything I need to know about raising, caring, and eventually breeding L46's so that when the time comes I'm fully prepared with all the info I need
2) Hopefully locate a breeder or seller of L46 in Michigan, hopefully close to me.
I'm sure you'll see me around viewing all the posts and asking a lot of questions in the coming months...please pardon any general ignorance on my part and I'm sure we'll get along just fine

- Christian