I'm back! lol i used to be a regular on the forum but lost my breeding group of 23 to a power cut about 4 years ago

I've been on and off here since then, mainly looking at the "sales" bit lol as i've been trying for all that time to get some more zebbies.......well
i'm back because yesterday.....i collected a group of 9 5/6 year old wild caughts.

They were advertised and i bought them as "all males" but on getting them home i've id'd them and there is 1 definite female and 1 possible female so i'm very happy!!
Took ages to acclimatise them tho as when i got them home and checked his water he was keeping them at PH7.5, TDS 450! and 500mg/l Nitrates!!! no wonder he couldnt get the to breed eh! lol
They are now in PH6.8, TDS 70 and trace nitrates....and seem a lot happier

Anyway, i'm in sheffield UK and will probably post some pictures soon and look forward to catching up with everyone.
Oh....and if anyone has any "spare" females they'd like to swap for a male or sell.....please get in touch.