I joined as ive always fancied keeping zebra pleco's and found this site in a search.
Ive been keeping tropicals for many years but had no tanks for about 4 years.
I was going to buy a zebra for my last tank, they were £75 for a 3" fish back then, not any more i see!!
We just set up a discus tank for my wife for christmas, hence my thoughts returned to zebra plecs as possible tank mates.
Having read through the site i can now see that this wouldnt be ideal, so, a seperate tank is needed.
If there getting their own tank i may as well see if i can get them to breed, all in good time though.
Problem is, we have a tiny 1 bed flat that is alredy crammed. Not sure i can find any space for another tank, even a 2' one.
We'll see though, maybe i can squeeze something in somewhere