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HI I'm Jake

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:02 am
by coralite
Hello everyone, My name is Jake Adams I am very stoked to find this site. The zebra pleco has always been my favorite fish. I started in the freshwater hobby in 1996 and I can still remember an article in AFM that introduced me to L46. Back then magazines were all the info available and the L numbers only went up to 60 or so. :D
In the late nineties I kinda got sucked up by the bloating marine and reef side of aquariums but I always tried to keep one or two of my tanks fresh. Some of my preffered freshwater fish groups are SA, WA and Rift lake dwarf cichlids, wild discus and angels, rainbows, small tetras, small air breathers, small corys, Paratilapia bleekeri and of course, small plecos like zebras. The P. bleekeri is kind of a fluke but I have a spot for them, see my page on them
I kept a trio of zebras in for a couple years and I didnt pay a hundred dollars each in retail shop, I can't believe they are so expensive nowadays, same with the blue eye pleco. Although I always tried to condition and encourage my zebras to spawn, I was not successful and I vowed that I would breed zebra plecos one day.
I am in the process of finishing up my Marine Science undergrad in South Carolina in the US, I may or may not be moving to go to grad school and so it is unlikely and unfortunate that I probably won't have any zebras for quite awhile.
I look forward to having the vicarious experience of trolling this board and hearing about everyone's experiences. Thansk fro reading.
Jake Adams

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:17 am
by jerms55555
Welcome aboard!! And good luck!

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:27 am
by alvinl
Welcome ....
I am also new here~~ :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:59 am
by Frontyking
Welcome Jake and good luck in your zebra endeavour!
