Hallo from Hungary

Hmmm...what else can I say!
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Hallo from Hungary

Post by --O-o-O-- »

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

at first thank you for the very quick approval to join to this community!

I've owned more than fifteen years ago a well spanning big L46 group, but I had to sell them because my daughter was born, and we needed as well the place for children furniture and as well the the money.
A few month ago I visited a friend of me, who imports fishes from outside of Hungary, and as I saw a tank with a lot of L46 inside, I was sure, that this hobby has to be restarted...
I was the opinion to remember to each detail from the past, but I have to make the sad statement, that it looks like I'm getting old :-(
The group is stated to come from somewhere of South America, the eleven L46 have a length of a minimum of 2,5 inch, the longest one is around 3 inch.
Finding the difference between males and females was much more easy in the past as I remember, but on these L46 I do not see the well known differences :-( So I will read the corresponding topics, and probably I will have also questions.
Many thanks in advance to all the forum members, who will answer and help me.


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Re: Hallo from Hungary

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Welcome back to the world of zebras.

I have never found it easy to sex zebras by body characteristics. I can vent them and that is more reliable, but they need to be as large as the ones you mention. I often find at that size and in the right tnak set-up, I can sex them based on their behavior. Of course the bigger the group the harder this is as they will move around. However, the males at the top of the pecking order will claim caves, so you should see them there often.

However, in a group of 11 fish, I doubt more than the top two males will spawn.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
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