I have been wanting to get these beautiful fish for over 20 years now, but their cost made me very hesitant to take the chance on not killing them - 20 years ago they were going for $60 a piece and I thought that was outrageous

Anyhow, last year I finally picked up a really nice group of 5 fish from a local breeder. I set up a 50 gallon tank at the foot of my bed so I could always watch them. I read that upper-level fish in the tank will calm the Zebras, so I added a group of 10 Harlequin Rasboras to the tank, and almost instantly the plecos started showing up out of their caves, and becoming more adventurous, even when I was right in front of their tank.
I put a Pothos plant at either end of the tank, added 2 large cherry shrimp to clean up, as well as 2 small BN plecos to get the algae off the glass, one long air stone, and a canister filter for current and filtration, and I couldn't be more pleased with the setup and these fish!
They are so much fun to watch, especially at feeding time when feeding live food, and 3 days ago I saw (what I assume to be) a female trying to get into a (presumably) male's cave for the first time, so there's never a dull moment. I regret that I waited so long to make this purchase, and I'm glad there's a site specifically dedicated to these fish - they deserve it!