Hmmm...what else can I say!
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Post by killiedave57 »

My Name is David, I am new to this forum, but not to fish, or plecos, in general.... but as far as zebs go..... I suppose I'm a newbie to most..
I have two tanks running presently with 2 groups of young to young adults... I won't bore folks with pics just yet, as I want to make sure I have some decent ratios in my ongoing quest to breed them.
I live in/near Richmond VA, and am a member of about 6 clubs or so.
I love cats and the smaller species of plecos particularily.
I have bred, bn, L-10a, and about 8-10 varieties of corys so far..
I am working with 134's and 333's that are close to breeding size and most of the other species I have are ongoing projects..
I spent about an hour or two the other night on this site looking and pics and trying to decide on sexing the fish before reading on to see what the senior growers said... :lol: sometimes I was right on..... sometimes i was off...... I think it is hard with some if we don't know the age/size and condition ie..well fed.....
anyhow... I think I was crosseyed before I had to shut it down. I am very glad for this site and I plan to read as much as possible to enlighten me to the best ways to work with this glorious fish....
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

Welcome to the site and to the wonderful world of zebras. I have been spawning these guys for a few years and still find sexing them to be a best guess at times. I never sex other people's fish as a result.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
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