I’m a proud new owner of six zebra pleco,
It been five days and I haven’t seen them eat but I notice food going missing, I have tried live blood worms, bug bites and sinking Carnivores pellets. Just like to get some advice on how do you make sure you don’t over feed your zebra pleco and what food have you found they favour?? Heard some people use mussels ??
Will take some photos of my tank, please let me know if you think my tank could use some improvement, always welcome constructive criticism if it will improve the wellbeing of my zebras

Also just for hindsight I have checked water quality and everything is in the parameters of what they want. Would like some suggestions and from some experience keepers do your zebra pleco get more confident over time or are they really that shy and just won’t come out to eat until it dark ?? Also they are in a 120 litre tank on their own apart from four cherry shrimp

Sorry for the long post and thanks again for any advice you guys and girls can give