Heyy all, 13 years and I am returning

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Heyy all, 13 years and I am returning

Post by I_Need_Zebras »

A lot of new faces in here, but still some old.

Is Andy_C, Barbie, RC, Rob etc, are they still on the go.

Whose the best breeder out there for adults now a days, price is not an option. Going to set up a new John Allen Rack system like my last one, and will need a good starter stock.

Is Germany still the place, or do we have any new breeders in the UK.
Looking for L260's - adult or fry, PM with any details
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Re: Heyy all, 13 years and I am returning

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Welcome back.

The cheapest zebras are coming from Asia. There is at least one really good breeding operation of which I am aware. But to get the best prices means buying a few hundred. Minimum order would be 50 fish,
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
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