at first thank you for the very quick approval to join to this community!
I've owned more than fifteen years ago a well spanning big L46 group, but I had to sell them because my daughter was born, and we needed as well the place for children furniture and as well the the money.
A few month ago I visited a friend of me, who imports fishes from outside of Hungary, and as I saw a tank with a lot of L46 inside, I was sure, that this hobby has to be restarted...
I was the opinion to remember to each detail from the past, but I have to make the sad statement, that it looks like I'm getting old

The group is stated to come from somewhere of South America, the eleven L46 have a length of a minimum of 2,5 inch, the longest one is around 3 inch.
Finding the difference between males and females was much more easy in the past as I remember, but on these L46 I do not see the well known differences

Many thanks in advance to all the forum members, who will answer and help me.