l46 How many pair can you have in the same akvarium?

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l46 How many pair can you have in the same akvarium?

Post by Dlzn »

Hi, I have a question about how many pairs of l46 you can have in the same aquarium. I mean you have experience of 2 or more spawn in the same aquarium in the same time?

Please tell me how big your aquarium are if you have experience of this.

Because if i pick out a pair when they spawn perhaps a new couple grow up.

Best regards Daniel
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Re: l46 How many pair can you have in the same akvarium?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I do not work with pairs, only with groups. With 12-13 adult breeders I had two males going at about 30 day intervals but with new eggs every 15 days from one or the other. On one occasion a third male in the group spawned. I had egg\s, new wigglers and almost free swimmers. This was never repeated.

The tank is a 30 gallon breeder 36x12x13 inches.
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