Thank you for adding me to the site. I adore L046s and after having a read was disappointed to learn would not be able to add to my community tank.
However I will be looking into dipping a toe into a breeding set up in a 20-30 gallon (need to do a lot more research). Like to keep a trio or small shoal to start. Any tips appreciated
Welcome to the wonderful world of zebras and to the site.
Zebras can work in some community type tanks, but not many. And for breeding anything a species tank is almost always the most effective way. But I did house a couple of wild caught adult males zebras years ago in a tank with a pair of discus for a number of years. Ultimately they were put into a tank of my F1 fish I held and grew out for me.
Zebras live a pretty long time- well over 20 years. I have a couple in the 15 -16 year age range and one just spawned. I am aware of a breeder getting a spawn for a dad 21 - 22 years old.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.