Nannacara anomala with zebra ?

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Nannacara anomala with zebra ?

Post by Coen »

Hello, i've recently buy a pair of Nannacara anomala to add some movement in my zebra tank.

Do you think it's a good idea or it's better to remove these fishs ?
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Re: Nannacara anomala with zebra ?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

I would not think this is a good idea, For one the fish want to be in different temperature ranges, the zebras prefer it warmer. While this can be a peaceful cichlid, this is not the case if in spawning mode. Zebras come from environments that are not planted while the cichlids would prefer plants. The diets of both species are similar and zebras are no known for being aggressive eaters.

But the other thing is considering the price differential between the two fish, I would not want to risk my zebras because I wanted to keep a very inexpensive cichlid. Then there is the consideration that this cichlid would do best with multiple females. Have a read here
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Re: Nannacara anomala with zebra ?

Post by Coen »

Ok i see, i will remove this pair.

And a pair of Apistogramma Baenschi it's risky , too?
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Re: Nannacara anomala with zebra ?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

The needs of are different from those of zebras.

I suggest you make a list of what zebras need to thrive, then when you want to know if a fish would work with zebras you can compare the needs of the two fish. Start with the fact that zebras live in decent current when shallower or else somewhat deep. There are no small fish like apistos or tetras etc. as the zebra habitat will not support them.

Here is a great thread on Planetcatfish re what goes with zebras ... =5&t=41698
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