I am new to the forum heard a lot about this forum over the years but I never had a zebra pleco so never joined one of the happiest days of my fish keeping life 2 weeks ago I got my first zebra pleco.
He/she is housed in a 120 litre tank with 2 internal filters trying to create a good strong flow he/she is very small and very shy hides most of the day feeding him blood worm never actually seen him eating yet but the blood worm disappears every morning when I check it I put it in a quiet dark spot behind some bog wood.
The tank has a fine sandy bottom and lots of bog wood and hiding places.
The temperature is at 27degrees ph 7 I have a feeling he/she is a tank bred zebra pleco.
There isn't many private breeders in Ireland and only way to get them here is by getting ripped off in the LFS I would like to throughout this year get a nice group going but for the moment I'm just happy to keep him/her happy and healthy before I expand and buy some more hopefully I can get some contacts on here that will ship to Ireland.
But as I said for the moment I'm happy to crack on with the one I have.
Anyway name is Craig I'm Irish am married with 3 kids and have 5 tanks on the go at the moment.
Looking forward to getting involved on here and expanding my zebra pleco knowledge.
And here it is my first zebra pleco.