My name is Amaury and I've been in the aquarium hobby for about 15 years, I've been breeding discus for several years (Piwowarski, Stendker, Asians, etc.).
Since about 5-6 years, I have redirected myself to loricariidae. I maintain the following species: L46, L236sw and L136C in a specific facility for them:

This year I have launched a brand of 3D printed products specifically for the aquarium trade, the first product I have created is the Eggster Egg tumbler for plecos and Africans cichlids. This product allows for example to save loricariidae spawns when the male expels the spawn from his tube.
Here is a video of how it works:
If this information disturbs the rules of the forum, don't hesitate to delete it

Have a nice day!