New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

If it isn't to late, and you're desperately looking for some advice, hopefully someone can help you out.

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New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

Post by mongkorn »

Hi eveyone

I have learned a ton lurking on this forum but the search button only goes so far. :oops: I was hoping to tap into the collective wisdom of these boards and perhaps some day contribute something of worth.

I just got 3 healthy new Zebras 2.5 in to 2 inches. :cloud9: They are in a species only tank and i think parameters wise, happy. 85 degrees, no NH4, nitrites etc. Open top tank for max O2 and excellent surface turbulence with extra powerhead in a Small 22 gallon tank. Filtration about 20x. Before even getting to breeding, i hope to be able to keep them alive :shock: They were introduced into the tank yesterday. By all accounts, hiding zebra = happy zebra and they definitely came out some to explore a little last night. :yahooscream: My concern is feeding. They were eating Repashy, sinking pellets and black worms so i have replicated this. They were fasted for travel and had not eaten since Tuesday.

So here are the concerns:

1. The flow is good, too good? Zero 02 concerns. The food however is getting swept all over the place. Perhaps it will settle somewhere but it seems at this temperature the Repashy gel seems to melt pretty fast too. Lowering flow is the obvious answer but how long do i lower it for? Should i just have low flow at night so food so it at least stays on the ground, and then raise flow in AM? I can play with the Repashy and make it a feeding station but in either case it doesnt mean the fish will actually eat. :cry:

2. How much fasting can these guys take before they get ill?

Thanks so much in advance for any advice/support..:pray:

New concerned Zebra parent :dizzy:
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Re: New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

Post by TwoTankAmin »

While zebras are adapted to be able to live in a high flow environment, they do not require it. As long as they have adequate oxygenation and circulation, they can do fine. So turning down your flow rate should solve the problem of the food blowing all over.

The only concern with flow occurs when they are in spawning mode. You want flow that moves across the cave mouth and not into the cave.

Just as an FYI- in a 33 gal. long (48x12x13 inches) I have had a lot of spawns. On the tank is a specially plumbed H.O.T. Magnum (rated at 250 gph), an AquaClear 150 gph power filter and then a sponged powerhead blowing down the front of the tank across the cave mouths at 160 gph. None of these devices actually puts out the maximum rate flow. I would guess they run at about 75% or so which makes the actual turnover about 15 times, allowing for all the rocks and woods in the tank.

I would also suggest you lower the temperature a couple of degrees. I only tend to pump the temp up to the 86 - 90 F range towards the end of a dry season simulation.

Finally, bear in mind these are small fish and they do not eat a whole lot. The lowered flow will allow the food to stop moving and if you feed smaller amounts that should help as well. They do come out at night though. I will spot mine squabbling on the front glass every now and then when the room lights are low at night.
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Re: New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

Post by mongkorn »

Thanks TwoTank!

Yes i fell into the trap of less is good, more is better. I had scaled the flow and temp down and they seem just as happy. I saw 2 of the 3 eat last night :yahooscream:, hopefully the third got some. i think i have a not so good ratio of 2M and 1 F but its fun to watch nonetheless. I have a 2.5in M and suspected 2in M and 2in F. The post has one reply but clearly some other readers, so will post for the sake of lurkers (like me) and because im stoked :tup:

So the "best cave" was appropriated by the smaller male and he held it for about 48hrs. Feisty guy but coudnt fend off the bigger male once the bigger male got more comfortable in this new tank. Mungo (biggest Male : but not too bright as he is also the one that i have not seen eating). So Mungo is now new tenant in the "best" cave. Poor Griz (stubborn little fighter and also the bravest - first to eat and actually darting around the tank from cover to cover even during day time) is now in a"B"Cave. Interestingly the suspected female "Izzy" did something crazy this AM. She now has seen Mungo in his cave and she actually went and hung out on top of his cave looking like she wanted in :wav: Mungo eventually tail flicked her and spurned her :boxing:

Sigh.. more time obviously, but it was fun to watch the 2 Males sparring. the outcome was inevitable. Surprising that the female seemed almost to be courting, at least from what ive read. I have no major hopes of spawning right now, i just was shocked at what happened. And this was during daytime!!

Eventually i hope Griz grows up to be a big strong Alpha male contender because i do like his personality traits much better. :viking: At any rate thanks for any who read, i can barely contain how awesome it has been to have these new additions. :cloud9: :luw:
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Re: New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Here is a little discussed fact that I discovered years ago and which was not restricted to my tank. In my group setting described above, two males spawned regularly. I nicknamed the bigger "fatty" due to his size and assumed he was the alpha male. What I discovered was the smaller male was actually the alpha. Over the years when spawning started, he was the first to be on eggs and at the end of the season he would always have the final one or even two spawns.

I mentioned this to several people I knew who were keeping and spawning these fish what they had seen and, to my surprise, others confirmed they had seen the same thing.

However, this does not mean this is always the case. In my tank the two males had caves about 6 inches apart with a large driftwood between them.
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Re: New Zebras - Please ease my fears! Or please help!

Post by mongkorn »


Well this probably isn't the place but i figured i would just post for continuity. I can't believe its only been a week. THe 2 males are still fighting it out with classic battle damage on their sides. I don't know who is the alpha male but right now the female seems content to let the boys figure it out :clap:

I finally figured out how to post a pic of their home. Theres actually one more cave - the alpha cave - behind the pagoda. Unfortunately the Beta cave is snug cavity under the big rock. :tdown:

If Griz becomes Alpha, i hope he takes residence in a proper cave :pray:


Thanks for your comments twotank and thanks for reading!
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