I am a hobby breeder and since my breeding group started spawning for me in May 2006 I have had about 500 fry perhaps more. I have gotten 4 or maybe 5 snubbers all told. I normally give/send them to Barbie on the west coast as she is one person who has dealt with this issue for a longer time than I have.
Basically, the accepted thinking is that this problem is associated more with eggs being too thick/hard for the fry to push through and break free initially or else from being pressed into the rear of a cave with flat surfaces.
To the best of my knowledge there are no snubbers captured in the wild according to the fishermen who have been interviewed.
New dads often take a spawn or two to get it right. if you are having eggs come out of caves you can place something under the fron end of the cave so it has a slight tilt towards the rear.
When I am forced to pull eggs/wigglers I now usually use this air powered hang on the front trap which recirculates tank water:

http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-suppli ... large.html