what happens next?

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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what happens next?

Post by michaelyzf »

Hello everyone.

Have has 2 health looking fish for a year now.

1 is about 3.5 inches & fat, other is about 2.5 inches & not as fat.

Bare bottom tank, Hma water, ph 7, 28deg. 2 sponge filters with fast air movement. Feed bloodworm.

Larger fish occupied a cave permanently since day one. Other lived behind a heater & moved occupied cave for 48 hours, nothing happened & came back out. Never been near since.

I dont really know what to expect.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks Michael
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Re: what happens next?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Firstly, they should be given a more diversified diet which includes some veggies. they are not carnivores but rather omnivores who like meat.

The behavioral clues would suggest you have a male and a female. But encouraging them to spawn may or may not work. If you want to take a proactive approach then you will need to do a dry season and then a rainy season to try and prod them along.
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