Trapping and how long

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Trapping and how long

Post by Blackcat »

Hi all,
My Zebra's have been trapping on and off everyday for over a month now! Sometimes for the whole day. Sometimes for a few hours.
But still no eggs or anything.
No UV sterliser used, no chemicals added.

Do any of you know normally how long this goes on for or if there is anything I can do?
It's currently in the dinning room.

Does the use of the dinning room bother them, or when they are ready it doesn't matter what you do, they will be either do it or not?
Should I put some towels over the tank to give them some peace and quiet?

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Re: Trapping and how long

Post by craigzeb »

this can go on a while mine did this then hey presto they started and have not stopped since they will pick the rite partner and once they do they will spawn mine are in the living room and i have 3 kids moving about all the time my daughter always going upto the tank to see them :loldude: this has never put them off they will prob do it a t night time once everyone has gone to sleep as mine have i have come in from work a few times and switched my light on and spotted 2 of them in the cave water changes 3 times have sparked mine off good luck
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Re: Trapping and how long

Post by Blackcat »

Thanks Craig. Much appreciated.

I will carry on as normal then. Finger's crossed.
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Re: Trapping and how long

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Crossing your toes and your eyes as well would not hurt. They will go when the are ready, and not a minute sooner despite what we may try.
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Re: Trapping and how long

Post by Samantha »

I keep the lights off on my tank for most of the day. My mated pair have been breeding continuously for well over a year now. I've noticed that the female comes around to the cave, they may be together for a day or more after which she leaves, then she comes back to drop her eggs, which you can see in her belly. Sometimes she'll come back again a week later, like she didn't drop all of her eggs. My tank temp is 84 degrees Fahrenheit. I feed them Repashy meat pie and soilent green and zucchini which they devour. I went away on vacation and when I came back they had started breeding, so i think you should take a vacation!
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