I'm a Fool for April

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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I'm a Fool for April

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Last night while I was working cleaning tanks into the wee hours I discovered two sets of fry in my wc breeder tanks. These are the first ones I have gotten since Nov. 2010. I spotted fry of two different sizes, so I know two spawns were involved.

I am still grinning this morning.
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Re: I'm a Fool for April

Post by craigzeb »

congrats mate no better feeling finding loads of little ones hiding away
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Re: I'm a Fool for April

Post by TwoTankAmin »

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Re: I'm a Fool for April

Post by Stevie.K »

Thats a great suprise TTA, especially after such a long break.
Always a nicer suprise when you had no idea they have spawned, which I have experianced before.
Long may it continue :cheers:
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Re: I'm a Fool for April

Post by TwoTankAmin »

It looks like they may be back in form. I have pretty much had either eggs or wigglers most of the time since they restarted. I really need to get some fish out of the tank but I would prefer not to have to do so with anything but almost free swimmers in a cave. I learned my lesson when I lost 2 of the spawns in my one and only tripple spawn because I moved the cave to traps during a fry hunt.

I have no clue how many fry I would find. The potential is that there will be 4 or 5 spawns. I don't see the tiny fry much and its my fault for designing the setup to be this way. I supposes it is also possible to find few or no fry because they were lost, eaten or not healthy for some reason. Arghhhhh- I hate not knowing.
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Re: I'm a Fool for April

Post by UKCHRIS »

Congrats! I know what you are saying, I have no idea how many little ones are chasing around my tank after lights out, but as you said to me they are great hiders so I try not to worry much :o
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