Method in raising zebra fry.

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by anubeast »

Finally, I have fry in my tank size around 30 gallons. I found it already in size around 1 centimeter. Now I separate all of them in breeding box, and already loosing them from 8 to 5. I'm start to confuse whether to leave them with their parent in breeding tank or separate them as I do now. Some breeder, told me that leaving fry in breeding tank will result in dead or fry growing not well because of unable to compete with mature fish in eating food. Is it true? In case I choose to leave all fry with parents, do I have to increase amount of food too? Another question, after reading some topic I just know that bare bottom is not good if I start putting some gravel in the tank now, will it causing my parent to stop breeding or not?

Thank in advance for your answer
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Re: Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Most zebra breeders I know, including myself, prefer to raise fry with the parents. All they need is places to hide that are tight enough that bigger fish can't fit in. Then feed some tiny foods, they will find it.
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Re: Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by Samantha »

I recommend leaving them with their parents in the one tank. In nature they would not be separated but co-exist. I have 7 adults with god knows how many babies (60+) in a 72 gallon tank and they are all doing awesome. I have also moved 18 assorted sized fry to a new 28 gallon tank and they seem to be thriving as well.

Here is a video of my zebras (taken at night when they come out to feed) for anyone interested, check it out
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Re: Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by craigzeb »

i leave mine in with parents i have 9 zebs and about 35 babies now all in same tank 180l they are all growing nice and quite chunky they will get food as it gets stuck in tight small places where they can only go i use tetra prima crushed up with hikari carnivour tablets crushed up too for my babies and solid pellets for the adults along with prima and the odd frozen cooked prawns so id say leave them with adults ive lost a couple but think in the wild they would not be taken and put into a breeder would they good luck
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Re: Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by anubeast »

Thank you very much for all, now I decide to return all babes into breeding tank. And I also adding Gex pure black as gravel too.

I still wonder about :
- From the past, I use only hikari sinking carnivore. Should I give them other type of sinking pellet?
- For sinking carnivore, I have to crash it in small size for fry too right?
- About water change, I used to change 30% once a week, is it ok?
- Still not sure whether adding Gex pure black as gravel will coz parent to stop breeding behavior or not. All the cave and wood I try my best to put it in the same place.
- Now I use only sponge filter and thinking of adding external filter for them, should I?
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Re: Method in raising zebra fry.

Post by TwoTankAmin »

They should definitely be fed some vegetable matter in their diet. I will mix veggie sticks in with earthworm sticks. I also feed 100% of my tanks on either spirulina and garlic flake or sinking bits every Saturday.
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