Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.
After 2 spawns in nov and dec I found 2 Zebs at it again in the same cave then just before I found a zeb in another cave trapped and hey presto 5 min later eggs in the cave so lots more babies to add to the 24 born before Christmas can't believe my lick
cheers stevie im going to lift the other cave up to double check wed at water change time but i had 2 in my spawning cave then like i said next cave but 1` i noticed 2 curled up at the back then went back to check again and female had gone and male was on the eggs just made me smile all the effort ive put in finally paying off. may have to off load some soon though as got my 9 bigger ones 24 babies and whatever comes out of these batches or may swap some and mix with my babies and set up another tank
well did a water change today and checked caves 1 male sat on wriggling eggs other cave nothing female must have escaped or something as only got 1 spawn but still happy better than none