Hi, I'm relatively new to fishkeeping (only had fish for nearly 4 years) I started when I was 13 and I am 16 now. I have however learnt extremely quickly. I have bred Corydoras, rare livebearers (such as giraedinus matallicus and ilyodon furcidens), dwarf gouramis and a few other species including plecs. This year I really got into plecs, first buying L066, L325 and Ancistrus rio tocantins. Soon after the bug set in and I bought a wild caught trio of L066. I then went on to purchase L340, L265, L600, L134 and L400s and was given an L104 and a trio of bristlenoses which have been breeding quite regularly but the eggs get predated on by my assassin snails. This october I bought a pair of L046, I had to sell my L600 and L340s to fund this, and I have now fallen even more in love with L046 in particular so I have decided to sell all but a few of my fish to buy my secobd pair hopefully at the end of the month

You may see my age and not trust my judgement, but I do know a fair amount so please don't dimiss what Ihave to say, I have had several job offers at aquatics stores already and have had experience working in them. Also, I have to work extremely hard to be able to afford expensive fish and I have no money for other things, so I am not some kid with rich parents either. Hopefully I'll get loads of info from this site to help me get my zebs breeding