Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.
exactly a month on from my 1st ever spawn i have just checked the cave again and the male has a female in there again cant believe it i must be doing something rite. my other 9 babies are doing great growing nicely in the tank so hopefully more on their way to join them. not bad for only having the zebs for a year or so.
My experience has been that about a month is the normal time one should see between spawns when the the fish are in spawning mode. This can go on for a number of months before they will pause for a few months.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
think the 1st 5 i got were tank bred the last 3 not sure poss have been tank bred forgot to ask the guy but its all good gonna be running out of room at this rate maybe do a swap with someone that has juvies around the same age
counted up yesterday after a water change i found 16 baby zebs hiding under my rock and airstone
24 newbies in total ill be over run at this rate think ill have to get rid of some in a few months or swap with some other zebs of the same age with other breeders