diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

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diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by aldicks »

I suppose that I should know,but i still have not determined exactly what is the best food or group of foods for zebra fry until they reach a good 3/4 inches or a bit more. Currently ,I am feeding finely cheese grated "European Shrimp mix" and finely grated home made discus beefheart mix( with many other ingredients). These can be dangerous though,it appears that I am OK as long as the smaller fry only see the finely grated stuff. Both are pretty rich.Growth is still slow and by about 7/8 inch they can eat the ungrated version (same as the adults)and just about anything else, and then grow faster.
What do guys like Two Tank Amin say?

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Re: diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Small sized foods or else foods that are soft and can be "grazed" on rather than eaten whole. Avoid whole blood worms until they get 1.75 inches or more. Foods I feed fry are:
Frozen: Cyclop-eeze, Daphnia and BBS
Sticks: Earthworm, veggie
Flake: Staple (for me Nutrafin), spirulina w/ garlic (every Sat.), earthworm, veggie
Wafers and Bits: spirulina w/ garlic and paprika, Hikari Sinking wafers, meaty wafers; NLS Thera A.

A lot of the wafers and sticks and flakes come from I have recently been feeding some of the new Repashy food too (the Meat Pie mix).
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diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by jsalas623 »

Thanks this really helps!! I got six no bigger than an 1 1/2"
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Re: diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by pivenv »

TwoTankAmin wrote:Small sized foods or else foods that are soft and can be "grazed" on rather than eaten whole. Avoid whole blood worms until they get 1.75 inches or more. Foods I feed fry are:
Frozen: Cyclop-eeze, Daphnia and BBS
Sticks: Earthworm, veggie
Flake: Staple (for me Nutrafin), spirulina w/ garlic (every Sat.), earthworm, veggie
Wafers and Bits: spirulina w/ garlic and paprika, Hikari Sinking wafers, meaty wafers; NLS Thera A.

A lot of the wafers and sticks and flakes come from I have recently been feeding some of the new Repashy food too (the Meat Pie mix).
And what food you use(from
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Re: diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by TwoTankAmin »

The one's in blue I get from ken (I also get some frozen from him as well)-

Frozen: Cyclop-eeze, Daphnia and BBS
Sticks: Earthworm, veggie
Flake: Staple (for me Nutrafin), spirulina w/ garlic (every Sat.), earthworm, veggie
Wafers and Bits: spirulina w/ garlic and paprika, Hikari Sinking wafers, meaty wafers; NLS Thera A.
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Re: diet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch fry

Post by Brengun »

I just ordered the Repashy shrimp souffle to try. Might not make it through customs but you never know till you try.
No dairy or egg products in it which is usually a no no for import so I might get lucky.

I usually feed Hikari algae wafers, a little bit of Sera Vilformo if they seem ok to take more meaty diet, Omega One shrimp pellets for no other reason on the brand than they were cheap enough lol. Sometimes I will dice up frozen bloodworm (hikari) or drop in a bit of frozen mysis shrimp or daphnia. I go easy on the frozen amounts as my canister can get mighty hungry sometimes even though I have a sponge over the intake.
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