Flank Scuffs

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Flank Scuffs

Post by Lukan »

Should i be concern that my breeding group of zebra's have scuff marks on the flanks? The skin has no damage but most of the lines are gone. It looks like it happened to just the males. This breeding group has been together over 5 years. The last time they have spawned was 2 years ago from the previous owner. I just finished a dry/rainy season. All of them are eating very well. Any concerns?
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Re: Flank Scuffs

Post by TwoTankAmin »

It indicates they are fighting. This is usually a prelude to spawning as they are deciding which male is in charge. Keep an eye on things as this can occasionally become more deadly.
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Re: Flank Scuffs

Post by Lukan »

Thanks TTA. From my observation so far is that the fight happen very quickly. One particular male goes from cave to cave and challenges the current occupant. This particular male has almost lost all of its stripes. However, the females are still hanging out close by the cave looking pretty. I have taken your previous advise in providing enough caves. I have 10 adults and I have 12 caves.
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