I just recently started keeping plecos, first starting with common BN a year ago and then moving onto peppermints. Before I knew it, I was looking for more rare plecos and now I'm keeping colonies of L201, L134, L066 and my favourite the Zebras.
I was lucky enough to get my hands on a breeding pair of F1 Zebs and will be soon adding another female in a weeks time. The male Zeb is MASSIVR I'm guessing about 11-12cm long (its cave is about 5cm wide and its head almost takes up the whole width) and the female is about 8-9cm. As they're wild caught, they're both very shy and seldom come out, hence I had trouble taking decent photos. The female is hanging out the male's cave and I'm hoping for some wrigglers within the next few months. Below are some photos.