young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

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young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by craigzeb »

i have had 3 young zebs in my tank for over a wk now they settled nice hiding away in caves and chilling out under the bogwood.the last 2 nights about 10 they start darting around the glass of the tank up and down all around the tank and up near the top of tank IS THIS NORMAL ??????????? water is fine all perameters ok and my ph is at a steady 7 gh is 3 ????? just worried something is wrong with them.
i know thet come alive at night but my living room lights are on so not a dark room
all info or help is welcome
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by TwoTankAmin »

When I was accumulating some of my F1s to form a new colony, I had them in a 10 gal. at the end of the living room. For a period of about a month in the middle of the day too boot, I would catch them doing that. It was almost as if they were school kids on a 15 minute recess.
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by craigzeb »

lol school kids yeh well i have lights off all day just daylight in room then just a lamp on at night they very settled and hide most of day then 10 at night they have playtime :lol: as long as its all normal i wont worry tested water and all was fine so like you say prob just kids being kids :lol:
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by Fern »

Oh thats cool! I would be freaking out if I saw that too :wink: Glad to hear of it as kinda normal :D
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by craigzeb »

:loldude: i caught mine doing it in the day too a bit then they settle then they do it again could it be males fighting or trying to sort territorys out ?????? it looks funny catch them going into the air stone too floating up with the bubbles little mad ones i have :loldude:
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by Fern »

If you can ever catch them on video that would be fun to watch!
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Re: young zebs shooting all over the tank ?

Post by fluffyninja »

craigzeb wrote:i have had 3 young zebs in my tank for over a wk now they settled nice hiding away in caves and chilling out under the bogwood.the last 2 nights about 10 they start darting around the glass of the tank up and down all around the tank and up near the top of tank IS THIS NORMAL ??????????? water is fine all perameters ok and my ph is at a steady 7 gh is 3 ????? just worried something is wrong with them.
i know thet come alive at night but my living room lights are on so not a dark room
all info or help is welcome

Exactly the same thing happened to me , i saw 5 babies in the cave , next day male released them , I went out 3 nights in a row and when i got back just after 10pm I was able to catch 4 of them on the glass real high up , just seems like it's their time to come out and play :D 1 little bugger still in there though haven't been able to catch him to put in the baby tank yet.
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