hello everyone, im new to the site. so my name is paul. ive been doin the fish thing since my early teens. i love cat fishes for some reason i think they are very cool. i have several tanks one 55 gal. witch have all cats in it it has 3 picus cats, 1velvet red upside-down cat,1 midnight cat and a rubber mouth pleco (tupper-ware is his name) we had a spotted high fin pleco we lost him this morning for no reason but we did have him for 6 yrs. Maybe it was old age??? anyway we my son and i are interested in the zebra plec they are a neet lookin fish.we thought now would be a great time to find some and try to breed them. im a member of the NANFA group witch is a great place to lern about native fish of North America.we have some madtoms in a tank we got from a streem in NC. trying to breed them. so our goal is to lern,study and breed the zebra pleco. so any one with info on them please feel free to contact us. thanks again,paul
Lots of good information in this site, have a nosey around and if there is anything specific you need to know then just ask as there are lots of knowledgeable keepers on here
Thank for the welcome. Well i do have alot of questions. Just not shure where to start. My son is 13 and loves plecos So i showed him a few and he is most enterested in our freind the Zebra pleco. Ive been reading up on them and its great to see so many of people are breeding them. Well my boy Josh found out you guys are breeding them and now he want to try . I told him that i would help finace the endever but he has to help to.So first of where can we Purchase a few? Im not to happy about buy from a store because you never know want you may bring home. Ive trust my instinks before by buying some realy nice Black banned sunfish from a brider on the NANFA web site so thats what i would like to do
So with that said if anyone has some for sale please let me know or a trusted web site with great fish any help would be graetly appr. Also what would be a great set up? Like size of tank,filtration, type of rock or plants and is drift wood is needed in there diet?? You know those kind of things. Do they like Fast moving water or slow?