Last night I completed making the little holding trap for the fry - basically a clear plastic convalescence continter modified to have screens on three sides. My plan was to pull the fry this week as I can tell some are getting quite large, with very distnct zebra stripes
This morning I checked the cave to look at the babies. Lloyd (the male that spwaned) has someone trapped in the cave with him. I am not sure if it's a "friend" or foe, but Lloyd has been doing a great job, so I believe he is trying to spawn again.
Not sure what's happeneing, or if this will thwart my plan to put the babies into a seperate tank, so stay tuned...
L046 Breeders - 2M/3F / Lots of other L046 subadults and juveniles.
Lots of L144 - LF/SF, M/F, you name it...