Help with my L'46

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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Help with my L'46

Post by MikeGuerreiro »

hello people,

I need help, there are about 3 weeks with my first paycheck I bought 2 L'46 :D . They have about 3 cm, and i never saw them eating, although they are not skinny or anything, i give them food before the lights go out, but I'm always wondering if they will eat or not .. .. now I'm give them Artemia, shrimp, zucchini, bloodworms, pellets, and mussels .. is something wrong in the food I give them? Some tips to improve?

The aquarium has many hiding places, but no substrate, I was thinking put Ada Amazon I, or sand, which is best for them?

At the end of the month I will buy a camera and shot some pictures.

Greetings to all

Sorry for my english
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Re: Help with my L'46

Post by jerry58 »

I never see mine eat and I have bare bottom tanks and they are ok as I expect yours are,don't worry diet looks ok.My zebs don't touch zucchini so I substitute it for veggie based flake or pellet crushed up,check your fish are big enough (over inch and a quarter in size)to eat bloodworm so they don't choke on them!. :wink:
I tend to get the smallest bloodworm I can just for the zebs to be on the safe side. :aok:
I found when I put sand in my tank they tend to dig and flick it every where so rather not have it and easier to clean IMO.

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Re: Help with my L'46

Post by John »

I back up jerry in every word :aok:
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Re: Help with my L'46

Post by MikeGuerreiro »

Hi to all !

Yes, I think they're well, at least they're not skinny ehehe

I think they already have big enough to eat bloodworm .

ok, I still see and study some more, and then i decide if i put sand or ada amazonia I

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Re: Help with my L'46

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Personally I will never feed bloodworms to my zebras until they are at least 2 in. TL (over 5 cm).
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Re: Help with my L'46

Post by lynched13 »

try live foods like above before you go to bed and see whats left in the morning
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