breeding advise

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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breeding advise

Post by toddy123 »

hi there was just wondering if any of you could give any information on how to breed zebra pleco i have done some research on the net but they vary there methods i have read that you need to act out the rainy season but then on the other hand iv read that the xingu river is over half a mile across an up to 60ft in places and that these fish dont reallt get cold water shocks so any advise would be greatfull thanks
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Re: breeding advise

Post by TwoTankAmin »

The temperature is the least critical factor imo. More important is TDS. In the dry season water is dirtier, the current is slower and food is less abundant. The onset of the rainy season is preceded by storms which are accompanied by barometric pressure changes. These pressure changes are a critical factor along with the rapid drop in TDS from the onrush of clean water. Yes it is cooler but I have never needed cooler water to get results. After the rainy season begins, food should be readily available and the current stronger.

While some folks work to stimulate spawning, many just leave the fish alone and wait patiently for them to get it together on their own.

I also suggest you read this ... a_l46.php
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