Don't keep Zebras in sluggish water, they need very clean, fast flowing & well oxygenated water.
I do not agree with 2 out of 3 things stated here. Yes zebras do need well oxygenated water, however they actually thrive in dirty water and only a lower flow is really needed. During the dry season the water is not so clean and zebras do just fine. Fry start out in the cleaner water of the rainy season but that is soon followed by the next dry one. As for high flow, plecos are well adapted to live in it, however, this does not mean they need it. Plecos spawn in caves for a number of reasons, one of which is the shelter it provides from the fast flowing water.
One of the most experienced breeders of hypancistrus I have talked with, one who has spawned more of them than anybody else I have met, runs mostly sponge filters in his tanks. Sponges will never generate high flow rates.
There are two types of zebras. One is white with black stripes while the other is black with white stripes.

What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.