Howdy from Dallas
Howdy from Dallas
Well I guess a bit about me is in order. I've been an avid fish keeper for over 45 years. Currently have a fish room with around 25 tanks ranging in size from a 220 down to a 5 gallon. Most of my tanks are planted with a few bare for grow out. Got interested in the L046 about a month ago and setting up another room for just them. My goal is to have a controlled and diverse gene pool breeding program. Will consist of 12-20L and 4-40 breeders, the breeders being for grow out. Not sure just what it is that intrigues me about these guys as plecos just never excited me. Part I guess is that their habitat is endangered and I'd hate to see their loss. Currently working out getting 30 to 50 of these guys in and then go from there. Luckily I have a wonderful wife that understands my addiction. Anyway still have alot to learn and sure to have questions.
Re: Howdy from Dallas
welcome Sigmar 

- TwoTankAmin
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Re: Howdy from Dallas
Welcome to the site. You are an amped up version of me
More years and more tanks- but mine are planted mostly and bare bottom breeders.
All I can say is the zebra, despite its diminutive size is still one of the most striking fw fish I have seen.
Good luck with your project- it should be a blast.

All I can say is the zebra, despite its diminutive size is still one of the most striking fw fish I have seen.
Good luck with your project- it should be a blast.
What makes the common person uncommon is common sense.
Re: Howdy from Dallas
Hiya and welcome to the forum 

- John
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Re: Howdy from Dallas
Welcome Sigmar 

- Groupie
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- Location: Ede, Holland
Re: Howdy from Dallas

Re: Howdy from Dallas
Hi welcome to the site and good luck with getting your fish.

Caution is a most valuable asset in fish keeping, especially if you are the fish.
Re: Howdy from Dallas
Hi Sigmar
Welcome to the site Sigmar, sounds like you have quite a set-up. As far as the zebra goes, it is a rather addictive and intriging fish. I started off with one, then another then before I knew it a whole tank was dedicated to them. Then came 4 years of trying to breed them, then came the first spawn, and subsequently the setting up of the site
. As you say, it kind of snow-balled
. Like yourself I have a very inderstanding wife
Enjoy the site and good luck in finding your fish. Ask whatever you want, anfdfeel free to trawl through the forum and site as there is a great deal of usefull information.
Welcome to the site Sigmar, sounds like you have quite a set-up. As far as the zebra goes, it is a rather addictive and intriging fish. I started off with one, then another then before I knew it a whole tank was dedicated to them. Then came 4 years of trying to breed them, then came the first spawn, and subsequently the setting up of the site

The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"
Re: Howdy from Dallas
thank you all for the warm welcome
Re: Howdy from Dallas
Hi Sigmar
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy.
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy.
The perfect white lie..."Of course I didn't pay that much for the fish honey"