I like most are trying to breed them and are looking for and tips or help if I am doing anything wrong or is it just time and trial no error I hope.
Kind Regards John

mikeyboy wrote:hi john and welcome
getting them started errmmmm
i got lots of info looking through forum
ppls on here are great help
male and females? I think there are 4 males and 4 females
sizes? 1 big male 8cm the smallest female 6cm
do u have lights ? how long are the on ? 2x 3ft lights on at 7.30 off at 22.00
water flow how much ? 2 filter pumps 900lt p/h and a 1500lt p/h external
plus a 5000 wavemaker I put on after a water change
water params? 220lt tank 4ft long ph7 amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 in RO water
feeding how much and what ? a bit of tetra prima a.m once a day at night frozen bloodworm or brine srimp or mussles plus tetra prima
water changes how oftern? once a week about 20% I have also tryed bigger 30% once or twice
caves and hiding places how many? 9 clay caves slate stacked plus bogwood
any taking up caves? normally about 3 in caves
temps? about 32
lots of things count more info the better sand substrate 6 danios 8 cherry srimp 2 dojo loach and some snails
i started 8-9 months ago and mine have just started