Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.
Hey everybody,
I'm not new to this website, but I have not really posted to this forum previously. Just recently I aquired my very first zebras, (10 adults sized 2.75-3 inches ) I have them in a 55 gallon with bare slate bottom and lots of caves and one piece of driftwood. They are the only inhabitants at this time but I would like to add a "cleanup crew" to help with some of the food that lands on top of the caves and other hidden places. I only feed at night before I go to bed and turn off the biowheel and powerhead until the morning which seems to cut down on kicking the sinking fish sticks around, but I do leave the bubble wand going to provide some flow and oxygen. Would cherry shrimp be a good idea??? I wouldn't mind if they ate a few, as there is a local hobbyist here in Lexington, KY that raises them so I would have access to them pretty much as needed. If there is another route I should take then throw it out there cause I will take all suggestions. I'm thrilled with these fish!!!!
I don't have any experience with shrimps beside a "shrimp cocktail" , so i can't comment on that.
Looking at your setup which looks very good imo i doubt if you'd really need shrimp.
Hi nice set up & congrats on your new Zebs!
I have Cherry shrimps in all my tanks, I only started with them in one tank but then they took over!
IMO they are a great addition to any tank, as they are great at cleaning up & fun to watch too