Cave shape preferences: circle, square or triangle?

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Cave shape preferences: circle, square or triangle?

Post by coralite »

Hi All you veteran zebra pleco spawners and breeders. Have you seen any preferences for pleco caves shapes that seem most amenable to successful spawning or natural rearing of the fry? Wondering whether to make some caves with a rectangular, circular or triangular outline. Any input will eb appreciated. Thanks.
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Post by dconnors »

I am by no means a veteran zebra pleco spawner, but in my personal experience cave shape is up to the individual fish. I have had spawns in circles, rectangles, and triangles but never squares-go figure!
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

Most of mine have been in more or less square shaped caves made from slate. However I have also had spawns in clay/terracotta caves and even a bamboo cave. Some spawns have been in circular caves and I have had a couple in clam shell style as well.

just give them a choice and they will figure it out :lol:
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Post by coralite »

If I had a wide open tank I would add all the caves in teh world. However, since I am aiming to maintain an aquascape and discreetly insert the caves, I would like to pic two or three of the most efficient shape and stick them in.
it's not in my nature to be mysterious, I just can't talk about it and I can't say why.
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

The correct sized cave is more important than the shape imo
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Post by Zeb-Plecos-FXu »

I give mine a mixture. :lol:
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Post by Lifted193 »

Very cool set up Zeb-Plecos-FXu! I like the different levels and small space for the fry's. Are those slate rocks or tile slate...or mixer of both?
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Post by José Maria »

I honestly have to look at sites from other countries the information they seek. Unfortunately, I see the sites of Brazil fishkeeping little warm, where many people hide themselves verbally as well as their experiences, which is not something that makes me feel sincerity. Like many here, I realized that honesty in the reports, I apaionei by catfish. My country, so full of natural resources also does not hesitate to prey upon our natural resources and biological wealth. This week approved the construction of the third largest dam in the world by governtes, infelimente this dam will be built in a haven of magnificent species of catfish, which will bring as likely to lead to extinction of numerous species fantastic that we still have here. I am very pleased to see this site dedicated people from other countries to understand the nature of these fish and worrying about how to play them. I never saw nobody around here with reports of captive breeding, either for hobbyists or professional breeders of these species. The person catching these fish in the rivers here, known as piabeiros, eg 10 000 fish catching neons, and sell them at $ 15 per 1,000 fish. These same fish chgam in Europe to 20 euros each Slide up I was told. Are exploited for the enrichment of middlemen and countries in dire straits as putting food on the table in your house. The maintenance of species as fantastic as our catfish, within a very short time, unfortunately, depend on hobbyists and enthusiasts such fish as we are. It makes me very sad and worried. Would you like a bit of attention of participants in this fantastic forum for passionate as I am. I have many truths to tell everyone. The truth sets us free. Regards. Jose Maria. Veterinarian.
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Post by Zeb-Plecos-FXu »

They are a mix of both. :D
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Post by Zeb-Plecos-FXu »

Just chilling out :lol:
José Maria
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Post by José Maria »

Zeb-pleco-FXU, very interesting the layout of your aquarium. You can get egg in aquarium? That would not use substrate for easier cleaning, as the catfish are voracious and very dirty aquarium? Sorry if I'm doing stupid questions, but here in Brazil there is very little information, and I have plecos just two years. My goal is the reproduction of the species I have. Fortunately, after many years of exporting catfish species so beautiful for everyone, only a few years ago these fish began to be marketed here. I am sorry to see so many things wrong here and have to stay silent. The ecological paradise where they come from such species with each passing day becomes more near the end. The São Francisco River already down 9 meters in recent years, the Xingu River region, place of origin of so many beautiful species, will be completely changed by the construction of a power plant of billions of dollars, which was passed by here know governo.I don`t know professional breeders of ornamental fish species of catfishes, create, and many were not successful on their reproduction in captivity. I would like to learn more about the secrets of good maintenance and reproduction of these fish with colleagues this forum! I believe that after dedicating my life to the study of ornamental fish and edible, it can also be useful to the group. Unfortunately none of my threads yet been answered. Need the help and experience of the group here, and I am at your disposal to help in whatever is within my reach, carefully, José Maria.
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