How much frozen food?

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How much frozen food?

Post by GrubbyGirl »

When I feed solid food to my zebs there is always food to be hoovered up in the morning, but when I feed frozen bloodworm or brineshrimp there isn't a single scrap left in the morning. Now I am sure some gets sucked into the filter, though I do switch off for an hour when I feed it. So now I am wordeing if I am feeding enough. How much frozen should I feed 6 adult zebs?
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

I think part of the problem is that most frozen foods are actually water which makes it hard to compare amounts. I would suggest you merely cut back some on the "solid" food and increase the amount on the frozens. How much to feed is always a trial and error type thing that involves learning how much of what one's fish will eat.

As a rule I don't turn off filters etc. for feeding. Almost 100% have sponged intakes which enables the fish to get at any food that gets sucked onto the sponge.
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Post by GrubbyGirl »

I'm just about to move over to an external filter so that will help. They are funny little beggers, I've tried a whole prawn a few times and they barely touch it!
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