My questions about tank setups and other stuff

Everything you ever wanted to say about "Zebra luvin", but didn't because you thought everyone would take the mickey! Plus general topics for discussion including everything from what you feed them to your personal experiences.

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My questions about tank setups and other stuff

Post by Ventura »

Hello all,
I am Luis Ventura and i have a big project in hands.
I am Seting up a fish tank of 1 meter long, 55cm high and 55 whide, all this will be to hold and breed L046.
What i am planing is to make 2 stores high of stone caves and clay handmade caves (pleco breeding ones) and the rest till the top of the Tank will be filled whit woods, maybe i will put some Anubias on the woods.

My questions are simple but i couldn´t get the answer on the web.

1- If i put 1 male whit 2 or 3 females all females will have their chance to breed or only a alfa female?

2- Should i put only stones and leave the wood out of the setup or its indiferent to them?

3- I am planing in introduce Rinoloricarea Lanceolatas into the tank, they are a passive and quiet fish but will it upset my zebras?

4- When they breed should i leave the litle ones care to the male or should i take them out of the tank?

5- any other tips from personal experience is wellcome :lol:

Thank you for the help,
Luis Ventura

Ps: Hope my english is good enuf to make me undertandable.
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

1- If i put 1 male whit 2 or 3 females all females will have their chance to breed or only a alfa female?
Trios, ie 1 m and 2 fm is ideal.

2- Should i put only stones and leave the wood out of the setup or its indiferent to them?

3- I am planing in introduce Rinoloricarea Lanceolatas into the tank, they are a passive and quiet fish but will it upset my zebras?
Breeding is best accomplished in a species tank.

4- When they breed should i leave the litle ones care to the male or should i take them out of the tank?
Most here will say if possible to leave the fry with the parnets as they grow faster that way.
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Post by Ventura »

hello again.
My tank is all set up but now new question came to mind, i ask here for some advice.

i have 2 powerheads that i can´t remember the name and the canister filter fluval 405.

fluval 405 = 1300 LPH
1º powerhead = 600 lph
2º powerhead = 900 lph

So that makes 2800 lph, is it enuf or should i put more?

the placement of the powerheads is one in each corner to make the water spin in the tank making it go around and around......., is this good or should i put it to make the water just mover randomly?
what is the best way to make the current strong enuf but not strong that make the fish stressed?

is there any way to know if L046 are F0 or F1 besides the word from the seller?
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Post by Ventura »

a bit of update to put in US mesurements.

3 feet tank, 47 us gallons, i think it like this :lol:
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

There is no way to ID wild vs F1 or any subsequent generation.

The one consideration with flow relates to spawning. It is important to have flow across the mouth of the caves. That is, it blows across the openings as opposed to blowing into the caves.

Rate of flow mostly only matters in regards to spawning. Growing out etc. are less flow dependent and more concerned with clean water. I doubt you can stress the fish from flow, in the wild they live in stronger current that we can create in our tanks.
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Post by Ventura »

Than you for your responce.
what i am trying to complish is to have a breeding comunity.

from what i have readed in here (the forum) is that i should ahve a current going on the front of the cave and not to the cave.

Having ~17 times my tank in water flow per hour should be acceptable for them then.

next week i count to receave my caves then i will post my tank pics :D
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