I am Luis Ventura and i have a big project in hands.
I am Seting up a fish tank of 1 meter long, 55cm high and 55 whide, all this will be to hold and breed L046.
What i am planing is to make 2 stores high of stone caves and clay handmade caves (pleco breeding ones) and the rest till the top of the Tank will be filled whit woods, maybe i will put some Anubias on the woods.
My questions are simple but i couldn´t get the answer on the web.
1- If i put 1 male whit 2 or 3 females all females will have their chance to breed or only a alfa female?
2- Should i put only stones and leave the wood out of the setup or its indiferent to them?
3- I am planing in introduce Rinoloricarea Lanceolatas into the tank, they are a passive and quiet fish but will it upset my zebras?
4- When they breed should i leave the litle ones care to the male or should i take them out of the tank?
5- any other tips from personal experience is wellcome

Thank you for the help,
Luis Ventura
Ps: Hope my english is good enuf to make me undertandable.