A question about cyclops

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A question about cyclops

Post by GrubbyGirl »

I've just got hold of some frozen cyclops as this is what Jo fed the babies. So, tonight I put it in the tank and I had no idea how small it was. Firstly how do they actually get to eat it because it's just floating around in the tank gradually being sucked into the filter, so the filter is going to get it before they do!

What's the trick to this?

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Post by zibzab »

I had a same problem with brine shrimps and a different live food.
But filter sucked everything up so fish was left unfed :(
I just stoped feeding them on live food.... :)
Maybe there is a different way how to do it, without turning filters and powerheads off. :?
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Post by TwoTankAmin »

You should unfreeze it in a small amount of tank water or dechlored tap water before feeding it. You may actually get to see your fry- they really do love the stuff.
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

As above defrost before adding you can even use a pipet dropper to target feed the area where they hide
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Post by GrubbyGirl »

Yep, did that, I thawed it out and then used a pipette and it got sucked up! Maybe if they love it so much I'll switch off the filter for 10 mins, dim the lights and watch!!

Are lobster eggs as small and do they love them as much???
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

Lobster eggs are slightly bigger but not by much, no adult fish can resist :lol:
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Post by GrubbyGirl »

Well I still haven't seen them eat, and I know I am over feeding just to be sure they have plenty so it is hard to tell, however I an vacuuming plenty of poop up with the left over food in the mornings so they must be having their fill!

At what point to the babies stop hiding quite so much?

Also how much do they grow - is there a chart somewhere that shows sizes at different ages?
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Post by Jo's Zebs »

The best views that you will get of zebs is tails hanging out of caves, give them plenty of cover that you can see under like ledges next to caves and so on then you will see them when they think you cant, a happy pleco is one that is hiding just out of sight :lol: :lol: :lol:
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