See the pic below for what I Juvenile L144s enjoying broad beans!

just curious Jerry, if the fast flowing water washes away the food, e.g. in tank, won't the zebras not get to eat anything? I'm always puzzled whether I should reduce the water flow/current in tank as it seems to wash away the food.jerry58 wrote:Hi
It sounds like a good idea but with zebs I think the other way round,as I find they eat a lot better when the food comes to them like in the wild so it passes them or the area they are in,especially smaller fish ( not sure size of your fish).
I do have foam over my uptakes to stop food going in the pump(and this kept minimal) and can clean old food off regularly and allow bit more food for this.
You have to imagine that in the wild they are in the rapids of the river say fast water and only have time to let go and grab food as it passes them or in the cracks and crevices when they use them to move around in the fast flowing water.
Even though you have them in other conditions they still use this method of feeding.
They don't forage much for food so might not look in dishes you supply.
Also they need to be kept in faster flowing high oxygenated water to do well and probably this will not allow most food you feed to stay in the trays.
If you give it a go keep an eye on the fish and monitor their food consumption .
Hope this helps.